The Board Game Collection

Kids Games

Best Board Games for 5 Year Olds

Best Board Games for 5 Year Olds (That Are Fun For Adults Too!)

This is part of our series on board games by age. For more info check out our complete guide to picking the best game for your kids here. Encouraging kids to play board games regularly will benefit them greatly. From birth through to about eight years of age, children’s brains develop very quickly and the

Best Board Games for 5 Year Olds (That Are Fun For Adults Too!) Read More »

Dexterity Board Games for Kids

Top 6 Dexterity Board Games for Kids: Let’s Get Ready to Tumble

Dexterity games for kids offer more than just a ton of fun; they play a crucial role in child development. These games unleash your child’s potential and aid in the development of fine motor skills and precise movements. Moreover, their silly and dramatic nature adds an extra element of excitement that children absolutely adore. Prepare

Top 6 Dexterity Board Games for Kids: Let’s Get Ready to Tumble Read More »