The Board Game Collection

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenario Pack: It’s Not Easy Being Green

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenarios Pack

This was the first scenario pack expansion and, while at the time we weren’t sure what to expect, with this product line the designers have established a great tradition of experimentation and creativity, which all started with Green Goblin. They definitely take risks, some which work and some which don’t (which you’ll see in this review) but some of the most creative ideas come from these packs, and they always move the game forward into new territory.

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenario Pack introduced two scenarios where heroes can face the iconic Green Goblin. The first is focused on his alter-ego Norman Osborn trying to take over Stark Industries, and in the second Green Goblin is out on his glider throwing pumpkin bombs and transforming citizens into goblin minions using his mutagen formula.

This pack also gave us some desperately needed modular sets to shake up existing scenarios, including more villains from the Spider-Man comics – Tombstone, Scorpion, and Electro.

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenarios Pack

Risky Business

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenarios Pack

The Risky Business scenario is very innovative and is the only time in the game where we’ve had a villain with an alter ego. Norman Osborn is working to take over Stark Industries but while he is in his alter-ego form, he can’t be damaged. Heroes have to thwart his schemes and draw out the Green Goblin in order to reduce his health and win the game.

This is a very interesting mechanic and requires players to carefully consider when they decide to flip Norman. We’ve seen better iterations of this over time, that prevent the heroes from progressing in a scenario before they’ve cleared the villain’s schemes – such as with Hela or Magneto – but this was the first time we’d seen that idea explored.

It is a fun scenario, but, ultimately, it is very easy to game his flipping mechanic since he can’t really do anything as Norman when you are in hero form. I think, if the designers had made him more punishing – such as putting out threats even while you are in hero form – he might put enough pressure on the heroes that you feel more urgency to flip him over.

But as it is, you basically just stay in hero form, build up your board, and then flip him to his Green Goblin side and run down his health once you are ready. Once you figure out the formula, it’s almost impossible to lose.

I wanted to like this one a lot more than I did, but it was interesting the first few times I played it, before figuring it out. It’s not one I return to often, but if I do, I like to bring really brutal encounter sets, or house rule it, to discourage sitting in hero form. Just needs to be a little tougher and more balanced. Was close to being great.

Mutagen Formula

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenarios Pack

‘Mutagen Formula’ is fabulous and remains one of the best battles in the game – the toughest, for sure, at the time of its release. There are villains in this game that are too punishing or swingy to really be very fun, but this scenario is hard while remaining balanced. It’s tough but fair.

Green Goblin puts out a lot of minions, very efficiently, and, unlike Ultron, these are minions that actually take some work to defeat – and both Goblin Knight and Monster are very nasty. If you aren’t careful, he’ll quickly have you surrounded and, if he flips his main scheme, his output then scales by the number of goblin minions in play – which can be devastating.

His pumpkin bombs deal indirect damage in addition to his main attack and he has the ability to heal a lot of damage with his regenerative healing. I’ve lost to this scenario a lot, both from damage and, more often, from scheming, but it’s one I still love to face off against. One of the best scenarios in the game and a must-have for anyone who enjoys the game.

Additional Modular Sets – More Spidey Villains

cards from the Goblin Gimmicks modular set

In addition to the two new scenarios, the Green Goblin pack also includes four exciting modular encounter sets. One Goblin-focused and three additional Spidey-themed sets to add to the roster.

I was desperate for these new modules when they came out and immediately shuffled them into rotation with the villains in the core box. I couldn’t have faced another battle with Rhino and Bomb Scare, so pairing Rhino with another Spidey villain was a very welcome change of pace.

Goblin Gimmicks

This is the recommended modular set for both Green Goblin scenarios but can be used by anyone. This includes the famous Goblin Glider as well as the Pumpkin Bombs and Regenerative Healing discussed above. There are a lot of boost icons in this set, ensuring that the villains hit hard.

Running Interference

Tombstone minion card

The first set, ‘Running Interference,’ features Tombstone, a 9-health minion that, along with the other cards in his set, makes you spend resources to avoid nasty effects. Whenever he comes out, you’ll want to hurry and clear him, and getting one of his attachments, All Tied Up or Media Coverage can be brutal and pretty much ruin a turn.

A Mess of Things

Scorpion minion card

Scorpion is a tough minion with both quick strikes and the ability to stun you if he damages you. His whole kit is based on stunning including two boost effects that stun you outright, making for a tough modular for any villain to bring along.

Power Drain

Electro minion card

This is one of my very favorite modular sets. Period. It focuses on discarding cards so it can run up acceleration tokens. If Electro comes out he’ll start discarding cards every time he attacks you, hitting you for extra damage – plus there are a lot of boost icons and effects here.

Some of the coolest villain combos in the game have included this set, including pairing Electro with Klaw or Sandman – both of which will run through their decks so fast, you won’t know what hit you. In my opinion, this is a must-have modular.

Conclusion: A Must Buy

Marvel Champions Green Goblin Scenarios Pack is a must-have expansion. One of the best villains in the game and some of the very best encounter sets. Definitely worth the cost of admission, despite Risky Business being a bit of a clunker. Don’t hesitate to pick this one up.

It’s worth noting that you do get more bang for your buck with a big box expansion, so I’d probably recommend grabbing Red Skull or Sinister Motives if you want to more efficiently expand your collection. But don’t sleep on Green Goblin. It’s the first scenario pack, but remains one of the best and you will not be disappointed adding Green Goblin to your villain roster.

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For more Marvel Champions content check out our comprehensive list of expansions with links to all our reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Green Goblin Scenario Pack beginner-friendly?

A: Absolutely! While it offers substantial complexity and new challenges, it’s designed to be accessible for both seasoned players and those new to Marvel Champions. A comprehensive rulebook is included to guide you through the new mechanics.

Can the scenarios from the Green Goblin Pack be played in any order?

A: Yes. ‘Mutagen Formula’ and ‘Risky Business’ can be tackled in any order. Players are also free to integrate the modular sets with other scenarios for added variety.

Are there any character restrictions for using this expansion?

A: No. The Green Goblin Scenario Pack can be used with any hero from the game, allowing for varied gameplay and strategy.

Do I need the core set of Marvel Champions to play?

A: Yes. The Green Goblin Scenario Pack is an expansion and requires the base game to provide the core decks, tokens, and gameplay formats necessary for play.

How long does a typical game using the Green Goblin Pack take?

A: On average, a game can take 45-90 minutes, but this varies depending on the number of players and their familiarity with the game mechanics.

Can I mix modular encounter sets from the Green Goblin Pack with other villain scenarios?

A: Absolutely! The modular sets ‘Running Interference,’ ‘A Mess of Things,’ and ‘Power Drain’ are designed to be added to any scenario, making them a versatile addition to your Marvel Champions gameplay experience.