The Board Game Collection

Dixit Board Game Review

 The board game Dixit lures you in by simply offering a taste of its gorgeous artwork on the box – and then it delivers far more inside. Dixit is a lighthearted family game that uses illustrated cards to draw you into finding a story within surrealist artwork. It’s easy to learn how to play Dixit, and if you can tear yourself away from just looking at the beautiful cards, you’re in for a real treat. Our review looks at why this game deserves a place on your board game shelf.

Dixit Board Game Review

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but will your words bring enough points?


What is Dixit Board Game?

Dixit is a storytelling card game that’s sometimes described as a party game, other times as a family game, and both are true. In it, you gain points for guessing the right card based on a prompt given by a player, and by splitting the vote as the prompter. However, the cards contain abstract artwork, allowing players to look deeper for more meaning, and share those findings with their fellow players, in an unexpectedly lighthearted and fun way.

The game is French in origin, designed by Jean-Louis Roubira, and published by Libellud. The latter are well known for creating light games that act as gateways into board gaming, but which contain gorgeous artwork. You may have seen or heard of Mysterium, or the recent release Harmonies, which embody this too. Dixit was released in 2008, winning the coveted board game award the Spiel Des Jahres in 2010, amongst a slew of other awards. The unique and varied game experience Dixit offers is enhanced by combining different expansion packs and utilizing downloadable content, ensuring a fresh gameplay each time.

It takes around 30 minutes to play and is marked suitable for ages 8+, though confident players can play from a younger age. As for how many players can play Dixit, you can play with 3-8 players based on the box, though with an expansion pack and additional tokens, you could easily create a larger game.

Related article: Elevate your Party: The Best 8 Party Games for Unforgettable Nights

How Many Cards are in the base Dixit game?

Dixit contains 84 cards. You can add to this with various Dixit expansions, or even your own artwork. We’ll talk more about the Dixit cards throughout the review, as they set Dixit apart from other games.


What does Dixit Mean?

Why choose an unfamiliar word to name a game with? Well, the word Dixit is Latin, and it simply means “He/She/It Says”, which is apt for a game of speaking and storytelling. Dixit’s designer, Roubira, is quoted in an interview as saying he wanted to create something where players don’t need to read or write to enjoy it, which makes communication the core of the game.


How to Play Dixit Board Game

Dixit is straightforward to learn to play. We’ll outline the rules below.

Each player is given a set of voting tokens that match the number of players in the game, and six cards. This varies slightly for three-player games. On each card is an illustration that would be at home in a children’s book, from a gentle scarecrow in a field of sunflowers to a diver in a sea of books.

Dixit Board Game Review

Our clue for this Dixit card might be “wistful”

One player per turn becomes the active player, a clue giver who picks a card from their hand without showing the other players, and says out loud a theme that they think matches the card.

That clue could be anything. Using the picture above, we could offer a literal description (Sea Lady) a more thematic one (Ocean breeze), or a reference to something (singing “Part of your World” from The Little Mermaid). The goal is to make the clue something that makes some players pick your card, but not all of them. This game wants you to have different interpretations of the art in front of you.

Once a theme has been given, the non-storyteller players will look through their hands to pick the card they believe best matches the theme. They’re hoping that other players will mistake the card they provide as the original one, the correct card. They give their card to the clue giver, who then shuffles them and puts them down next to a number. No one knows which clue is the original, or which was given by a player. This process, where the storyteller shuffles the cards and players secretly vote for the storyteller’s card, is crucial for scoring.

Dixit Board Game Review

If the clue was an unusual mix, which card do you think it was?

Players will then guess secretly which card is the original using numbered tokens. They place it face down in front of them while everyone else decides.

Everyone reveals their vote, and scoring begins. Players draw another card, another player becomes the active player and offers a clue, and the game continues.

How to Score in Dixit

Dixit doesn’t reward you for giving a clue that leads directly to the right card – instead, it encourages a more abstract, shared discussion. It’s not about direct accuracy, but about encouraging different interpretations. That means the rules for Dixit’s scoring don’t do what you might expect, so it can take a round or two to sink into your best course of action. Players score points through strategic guessing and creativity, navigating the fine line between being too vague and too specific. You get points based on these rules:

  • If all players find the original Dixit card, the clue giver gets no points. The clue was too specific. However, for finding the card, the players get two points each, contributing to their correct answer score.

  • If no one finds the original Dixit card, the clue giver gets no points. The clue was too vague, or another player picked a card that suited it even better. If a player’s card is selected, they get a bonus point for themselves, adding to their correct answer score.

  • Lastly, if at least one player finds the original card, but at least one other player picks a different card, then the clue giver, and the players that found the original card get three points for their correct answer score. Once again though, if a player’s card gets selected, they get a bonus point for each time it is. Earning the most points through these methods is the ultimate goal, as it determines the winner of the game.

Essentially, the clue giver wants to split the vote, so should give divisive clues. The other players aim to find the original card and want their card to be picked too, for maximum points.

How do you win at Dixit?

The winner of Dixit, achieving the most points wins, is the player who first reaches 30 points. If players run out of cards by then, it’s the person with the highest score. Strategically, you’ll do this by not being too specific about your card theme, and by playing the best cards for the theme given to you.

Why play Dixit?

dixit board game review

Race to the finish line with Dixit – so you can go back and play again!


Dixit is suitable for wider audiences, and a lot of fun

The core of Dixit requires no reading and is simply looking at art and talking to friends as fellow players. It’s easy to learn how to play Dixit, which means you can play within just a few moments with players of all experiences. All this means that it appeals to a wide audience, with none of the usual exclusionary factors. It’s always useful to know a game on your shelf can be brought down for anyone, but even better knowing that it’s fun, encourages conversation, and will offer something for everyone.


Dixit Cards are beautiful

The artwork on the Dixit cards is a joy to look at. Not only does this make a nice element of the game itself, in that, if you’re going to be looking at images they may as well be lovely ones, but it also encourages you to talk about what you read into the image itself. Why did you pick “dream” as the clue for this card, when my first thought was something very different? What does that say about the way humans interact and interpret the world? Or, more simply, this disconnect can lead to hilarity, as interpretation is subjective, and not everyone will agree with the clue givers’ choice from the card they saw.


dixit board game review

Half of the fun of Dixit is enjoying the card illustrations


Dixit has therapeutic benefits

Dixit’s initial publication was made possible thanks to considerable interest from educational institutions, justifying its first run. Originating from the creative mind of a child therapist, Dixit has been the subject of various studies over the years, exploring its numerous benefits. Research has highlighted how Dixit cards encourage children to expand their vocabulary beyond traditional methods (Smith, 2018), their ability to impart ethical lessons (Mazurkiewicz, 2015), and their effectiveness in creating a calm, collective space that helps manage anxiety during therapy ([Ikiz, Beziat](, 2020). In essence, Dixit has proven to be not only beneficial but also a delightful excuse for more playtime. 

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Dixit has numerous expansions

Dixit is now referred to by the publishers as being within the Dixit Universe, meaning there’s lots to explore should you want to do more than the base game.

Beyond three base games which are all slightly different, there are numerous expansions and versions. This includes the newly popular Dixit: Disney Edition, which is the same as Dixit but uses Disney images and Disney-themed meeples. Additionally, ‘Dixit Odyssey’ stands out as both a standalone game and an expansion that introduces new rules for larger player counts, including variations like Team Dixit and Dixit Party. ‘Dixit World’ is an updated version for iOS and Android, enhancing the Dixit experience with equipment updates and support for up to 12 players as part of the Dixit Odyssey version.

dixit board game rules

Looking to add a little Disney to your Dixit?

For something new, there are nine Dixit expansions currently in print, and other variations available, that are another 86 cards with a similar theme and differing artists – from Dixit Daydreams to Dixit Quest, Dixit Origins, and more. You could even make your own cards, for a fun activity with your fellow players.

Stella: Dixit Universe – A New Challenge to the Original

dixit board game rules

Stella: Dixit Universe brings a fresh twist to the beloved Dixit gameplay.

Building on the celebrated foundation laid by the original Dixit game, Stella: Dixit Universe introduces a competitive edge that distinguishes itself notably. Unlike Dixit, where the essence revolves around creative guesswork and abstract storytelling, Stella incorporates a strategic star-collecting mechanic that encourages players to decipher not only one, but multiple cards’ connections to a given clue. This progression from the original game’s base mechanic adds a layer of complexity and strategic depth, challenging players to think differently about the clues given and the cards chosen.

Furthermore, Stella allows for direct competition among players, shifting away from the cooperative elements seen in Dixit. Players now not only try to match the storyteller’s card but also compete for stars spread across different cards, pushing for a balance between precise guessing and strategic play to maximize their score. This fresh dynamic offers a nuanced experience that will appeal to those who enjoy Dixit but are seeking a game with a competitive edge and deeper strategy components.

In essence, while Dixit thrives on imaginative association and communication, Stella: Dixit Universe expands the universe with a competitive gameplay twist, offering a new realm of enjoyment and challenge for fans of the original and newcomers alike.


Dixit is a beautiful, therapeutic, and endlessly expandable game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. With its stunning artwork, proven therapeutic benefits, numerous expansions and variations, as well as the recent competitive twist in Stella: Dixit Universe, this game will continue to captivate players for years to come. So gather your friends and family, unleash your creativity and imagination, and embark on a journey through the whimsical world of Dixit. The possibilities are endless!  

So why not give Dixit a try? With its unique blend of storytelling, social interaction, and strategic gameplay, it’s sure to provide hours of entertainment for all players involved. Plus, with new expansions and variations constantly being released, there will always be something new to discover and enjoy. So grab your cards, choose your meeple, and let yourself be immersed in the enchanting world of Dixit!  

Further reading

Dixit was deemed one of the best games to play with 10 year olds. Check out our full list for more recommendations.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can Dixit be played with just two people?

A: Dixit board game is designed for 3 to 6 players. Playing with just two doesn’t work well with the standard rules since it relies on group dynamics and guessing. However, there are modified rules available online specifically for two players.

Q: How long does a typical game of Dixit last?

A: A typical game of Dixit lasts about 30 minutes. This can vary depending on the number of players and how much time is spent on each turn discussing and interpreting the cards.

Q: Are there digital versions of the Dixit board game available?

A: Yes, there are digital versions of Dixit available for play on some online platforms. These versions can provide a different experience from the physical game but maintain the core mechanics.

Q: Is Dixit suitable for educational purposes?

A: Absolutely. Dixit can be used as a tool in educational settings to encourage creativity, storytelling, and verbal skills. Teachers and therapists have utilized Dixit in various ways to engage students and clients.

Q: How do I prevent the game from becoming repetitive with frequent play?

A: To keep Dixit fresh, consider exploring the numerous expansions available, which add new cards and themes to the game. Playing with different groups or changing the storytelling rules slightly for each game can also keep things interesting.

Q: Can custom cards be added to Dixit?

A: Yes, players are encouraged to create their own Dixit cards as a fun activity. These homemade cards can add a personal touch to the game and introduce unique themes and artwork.